It is a saga based on the hero’s path explained by Joseph Cambell and many other writers of books such as the Iliad, the Odyssey, among others, where the main character has a transcendental awakening, which moves him and motivates him to become the hero he dreamed of.

A story that transports us to the fascinating world of the ancient and mysterious Inca Empire. Peruvian painter Vito Loli and writer Erika Schaefer have created the Ecoguerreras, a group of heroines who have the noble mission of making the world aware of the vital need to protect the environment.

Each of them must fight to raise awareness and educate human beings on the obligation to preserve microclimates and endangered species. It is our responsibility to save our planet for the present and future of humanity.


In the period from 1438 to 1471 the Inca Empire was ruled by Pachacutec who, for the remarkable conquest and expansion of his domains was considered an exceptional leader, giving life to epic stories and glorious hymns in tribute to his exploits. During those years lived the girl Killa Punchay or Moonlight, possessor of a singular beauty and owner of a warrior spirit. After her death, Killa Punchay, already converted into a spirit, acquires the power and leadership to govern the Ecoguerreras. This spirit summons, through Wiracocha, her god and the architect of creation, the goddess Sofia: the Ecoguerreras. Their mission is to save humanity and the world from its own extinction.

The Eco warriors represent each of the ecosystems that must be protected as unique. Luz de Luna “Killa Punchay”, reappears on earth after centuries (in 2020) together with the Ecoguerreras and Wiracocha already prepared to fulfill their mission, which is to convert human beings into Social Ecoguerreras to save our species and the planet from being turned into a garbage dump. The great army formed by the different Ecoguerreras will fight to gain followers with the objective of protecting our ecosystems for future generations on the planet. For the Ecoguerreras it will be essential to reach every human being and instill in them in a playful and fun way the love for humanity and our world.




Flaminga is full of love for her children, the birds, the flamingos and the ecosystem that surrounds them; which is very peculiar, where only they can exist. “Take care of me! Protect me and help me to live in harmony with my environment. I am very special, my colors are the symbol of this homeland, the white and red flag of Peru.”



Bosquia is a persevering and strong Eco-Warrior, mother of the forest. She counts on all her children to purify the air we breathe. “We give our freshness and shade, for your rest…They drill us, they cut us, they burn us, they transform us, they depredate us, without sowing us again, we are under threat of extinction. My children, you do not know how much you need us, if we become extinct, you will be too…you will be too.”



Sabroza is an Eco-Warrior who protects all our Peruvian food and stews. She is sinuous, creative and very mischievous. She has a cheerful, dynamic and sybarite personality. She represents biodiversity itself, she is warm, sour, sweet, spicy, spicy, cloying, hot, cold, sour, bittersweet, bitter, salty, but in a perfect measure and combination. “The delight of my protégés is the delight of my children, you…”



Metálica/Llaxsay is a Peruvian Ecoguerrera, her name describes her as a person who loves metals. Llaxsay means “To melt mental” in Quechua. She loves metallurgy because it is synonymous with progress and equity. She always says: “Imagine a world without metals, humanity would not have gone from using wood and stone, we would not have great structures, we would not have great bridges, airplanes, we would never have awakened to the industrial age and less we would have reached the moon.”



She is the perfect balance between the seashore and her surroundings. She is mysterious, soft and very meditative, she has a lively, strong and conscious spirit. She breathes in the air and in the water, she mimics both elements, she transmutes. This gives it an advantage over other Eco-Warriors.

The most important thing is to be aware,” says Marina. To be lucid, to know who we are; that gives us respect for ourselves, and for everything around us.”